How you can help your Child practice their religious faith after a Divorce

If you have need a best suitable service your Law experience, How you can help your Child practice their religious faith after a Divorce in Texas the great process!

Houston Family Law Attorneys: Whether you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim or member of another faith group it goes without saying that the practice of your faith is central to your life.

This is one of the rights that we as Americans have: to be able to practice your particular faith in whatever manner you choose (Assuming that in practicing your faith you are not infringing upon the rights and liberties of others to live their lives freely). As such, your marriage was likely an event with some degree of religious importance and your divorce may be as well.

If you married a person whose faith is different than yours that may have presented problems during the marriage and may have even led to you and your spouse getting a divorce.

Having children was a true blessing, but now that you are divorced both you and your spouse are free to participate in religious events with your child during your periods of possession. How you and your ex-spouse decide upon which religion your child should ultimately follow and be very difficult and often leads to a whole new level of fighting.

In older times people of different religious beliefs did not marry with the regularity that people of different faiths do in today’s world. When two spouses share the same religious beliefs then having a child is not a problem because that child will be raised in a cohesive religious environment. Now you and your spouse are left with the problem of directing your child’s religious upbringing as divorced parents.

Suppose for a moment that you and your spouse are each concerned with the other’s religious practices and do not want the other to be able to encourage your child to participate in the other’s faith traditions.

How can a court make a decision like this if you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on the subject before a trial? The Law Office of Bryan Fagan would like to take an opportunity to discuss this topic in today’s blog post.


Divorce Houston: In other words what is more important to a family court judge: your right as a parent to instill religious beliefs and practices in your child or the best interests of your child? Overall, a judge is sure to be swayed by what is in the best interests of your child.

After all- your child often times does not have a vote in matters that concern him or her, even ones as important as choosing a religious faith to practice. If you and your spouse cannot agree to allow one another to practice your individual faiths with your child then you are asking a judge to intervene. When you do so you leave yourself susceptible to having a judge make a decision that may go against you.

What if your religious heritage poses a risk to the safety and well being of your child- at least in the opinion of your spouse? Do your first amendment rights to freedom of religion trump the well being of your child?

That is the type of argument that you can expect to hear from your spouse in a trial situation if you all are not able to come together and settle these issues in mediation or in negotiation between your attorneys.


Family Lawyers Houston: I do not have a definite response as to how your specific family law judge would view a situation like this. Different judges will approach this issue different based on their opinions and biases. In large part, the circumstances and evidence presented in your case will make the ultimate difference.

Has there been any actual or substantial harm done to your child as a result of the religious practices of your faith or that of your spouse? Have you encouraged your religious practices in spite of the harm suffered by your child? If you have done so the judge may rule that you are not able to continue practicing your faith with your child after the divorce.

A court may take an even more conservative approach to this subject and employ a standard that details whether or not the practice of your faith has increased the risk of harm to your child in some way.

Therefore, your spouse would not even have to present evidence that your child has been directly harmed by the practice of your faith. All that would be necessary is showing that there has been a risk of harm in the child’s life due to their practicing your religious traditions.

Finally, a judge could rule that whichever parent is designated as the primary conservator of your child has the ability to select the religious faith of your child, if any is chosen at all.

More than likely a judge would allow both you and your spouse to exercise your own religious beliefs with your child when he or she is in your possession. Situations that involve harm to your child do not occur with any degree of regularity when practicing religion so there should be no impediment to the free exercise of religion with your child during your time with that child.


Family Lawyer in Houston: Consider for a moment the “risk of harm” standard that we outlined in the previous section. Suppose that you as the father of your child wanted to stop your ex-spouse from changing your child’s faith. Back when you and your spouse first married you all agreed to raise your child in Judaism- your faith and the faith of your side of the family.

Fast forward a number of years and you and your spouse are now getting a divorce … Continue Reading
