Maintaining a Social Media presence during your Divorce
If you have need a best suitable service your Divorce Law experience, Maintaining a Social Media presence during your Divorce in Texas the great process!
Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: It is the experience of the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan that as the years have passed the effect of social media on divorce cases has grown rapidly. Whether it is learning of infidelity through someone inadvertently posting a photo or keeping track of missed visitation opportunities by noting them on a website, the uses of social media are quite diverse in the context of a family lawcase.
On a whole other level, I believe that social media exposes each of us too far more people than our brains are able to comprehend. Seeing other people’s “highlight reels” of good times and happiness can further exacerbate our own feelings of unease and discontentment.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that by simply surfing around various social media websites that we can become more likely to contemplate divorce as a result.
A good piece of life advice, in general, would be to be cautious with what you post on social media. Letting the entire world in on your life and what you are experiencing can be liberating in one way but can present dangers to your well-being in others.
If you are going through a divorce it may be a smart time to go back to your social media history and take inventory of actions. In the privacy of your home or office, you may have felt comfortable posting any number of life events with little regard of the repercussions that come with those postings.
Unfortunately, that attitude can have negative consequences when it comes to your divorce case. What you say and post online quickly becomes fair game to be placed into evidence by you or your spouse. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan would like to offer some pieces of advice on the subject of utilizing social media during a divorce.
Spring TX Divorce Lawyer: If you are like most people, outside of your social media postings, your personal life is just that-personal. You don’t publish an article in the newspaper after every fight with your spouse, nor do you send out a newsletter (to be posted online) to discuss your son’s performance in his t-ball game last weekend. The point is that there are many aspects of your life that you choose to keep private.
In a divorce, however, your life becomes a part of the public record. Unless you or your spouse request to keep the record of your case private (or sealed in courtroom lingo) and the judge grants that request, your case will be viewable by the public at large.
Not to mention the fact that your social media posting- things that maybe only your parents, immediate family, and best friends were truly interested in- are now fair game to be judged and scrutinized by your spouse and his/her attorney.
The bottom line is that now that your divorce has begun, or if you are merely considering a divorce, that it is not a bad thing to keep your life’s dealings private at this stage. This is a courtesy that you will not be granted in many regards during your case.
Your case pleadings are available online to view, and any in court hearings will be held in the open. Your marriage and your parenting are no longer private by your going through a divorce. Why not take advantage of what you can control and keep the rest of your life out of the public eye as much as you are able?
Spring Divorce Lawyer: One thing that I always do my best at is to meet with clients at the very early stages of their divorce to learn a little more about him or her and to allow questions to be asked of me.
I would recommend that you ask your attorney to do the same with you if he or she does not suggest a meeting first. A subject that can be discussed in this meeting is the use of social media during a case and the use of social media as evidence in your divorce.
Keep in mind that your social media postings are tailor-made to be utilized in a hearing or trial. The social media websites are easily recognizable and therefore fairly simple to be proved authentic by either your attorney or your spouse’s. Furthermore, each social media posting has a tidy time stamp of the day, month, year and time that a posting was made.
Maintaining a social media presence is not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, but it must be dealt with proactively in your divorce. Simply deleting a posting on Facebook or deactivating your account is not an option as your spouse can argue that you did so in order to keep valid evidence out of the record.
Therefore, being educated on what can be relevant and how to handle and prepare a defense for any negative social media evidence can be helpful to your case.
Tomorrow’s blog post will go over some tips that I would like to go over with you all regarding social media and your divorce. While every individual situation demands particular treatment these tips should apply to most every divorce in Texas.
Houston Divorce Lawyer: If you have any immediate questions about the effects of your social media use on your divorce please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. One of our licensed family law attorneys will be available six days a week to meet with you in a free of charge consultation. We can answer your questions and discuss the services that we can provide to you and your family as a client of our office … Continue Reading
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