Mistakes to avoid making in your child custody case

If you have need a best suitable helping your Child Custody Law experience Houston Family Law Attorney in Texas the great process.

If you are considering filing a child custody case in Texas I would like to provide you with some helpful hints on what behavior to avoid during your case. It’s likely that there is a situation going on in your home or in the home of an ex spouse that has troubled you enough to want to proceed to court in order to address the situation.

While not all people will act and behave in the same ways during a case like this it is likely that at least a few of the follow situations may relate to you. With that in mind, let’s get into our advice.


Divorce Lawyer Houston – Co-parenting is a word that is utilized with a great deal of frequency in our world today. As the nuclear family of the 1950s further disintegrates, blended families are the new normal and with it comes parenting relationships that formerly could be classified as atypical.

Learning how to co-parent and raise a child with a partner with whom you are no longer in a relationship with can be extremely difficult. However, the parents who have worked at this skill and been diligent about their co-parenting responsibilities often do the best in child custody cases.

Why is that? For starters, courts favorably view parents who co-parent or at least attempt to do so.

This is due in no small part to the fact that judges have streams of people coming into and out of their courtrooms each day and many of them are there because they are not attempting to co-parent or are co parenting poorly. It is a breath of fresh air to see a parent who has worked with their fellow parent to raise a child.

This isn’t to say that you have to be perfect but being able to show a history of competent co-parenting can be a huge advantage.


Houston Divorce – This is a trait that is unfortunately ingrained into many parents whom I have encountered in my experience as a family law attorney in Texas. When a parent’s dislike, disdain or anger towards their fellow parent is so strong that it becomes a part of their personalities it can be a real issue.

How do you define yourself? As a parent? A member of a particular religion? As a member of your particular profession? However you do, I bet that you wouldn’t consider yourself a disparager of (insert name of your child’s other parent here).

Yet, if we were to break down each interaction that you had with another human being and kept track of every negative word that was said, I am again willing to bet that you would not be proud of how often the other parent’s name entered your vocabulary.

How you think about your child’s other parent and how you talk about him or her others will invariably affect how he or she is discussed with your children. No matter how cognizant we are of the way we do a certain thing, it is difficult to stop without working at it.

If it is commonplace for you to talk negatively about the other parent, then it will be commonplace for you to do so in front of your child. As children pick up on actions much more than anything else, the things you do and say will have a tremendous impact on your child whether you acknowledge it or not.

If you persist in speaking negatively about your child’s mother or father then it may encourage your child to do. You want to do everything you can to help your child foster a strong relationship with you and their other parent. Your personal feelings aside, your child will only have two parents and it is important that he or she have a good amount of respect for both you and their other parent.

Continually bad mouthing and talking negatively about the other parent will have the effect of harming their relationship with the other parent. This too will not be viewed favorably by a court, as far as a short term concern. Long term, your child may be in need of serious counseling or other therapies in order to have a healthier view of both their parents.


Houston Family Lawyers – A judge must act in your child’s best interest when making decisions in your child custody case. While he or she cannot follow you home and see how you behave away from the courthouse, it is possible to make a good impression on the judge by showing a little self restraint.

How can you do this in the limited time that you will be in the courtroom? Treating the other party and their attorney with respect is at the top of that list.

If your case involves social workers, court appointed witnesses or people like this then how you respond to questions and requests can go a long ways toward proving to a judge that you have the emotional stability to have an increased role in the life of your child.

The other major area where you are able to show the judge you are emotionally stable and mature is when you are on the witness stand testifying. In a trial or temporary orders hearing it is easy to get frazzled and frustrated. Taking it out on the opposing party is not advisable. Being civil and polite, no matter what is being asked of you or how you hearing is going can drastically improve your case.


Divorce Lawyer in Houston – If you have any questions about these the topics please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan today… Continue Reading
